Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I Was Raised Among Wolves.

This photo and entry may explain why I tend to like a lot of "guy stuff"--not neccessarily football,beer,and working on cars(although I do love vintage vehicles),but I loved G.I. Joes and Hot Wheels,playing in the mud with toy dinosaurs,and although I'm a klutz and not very "sporty", the hand-to-hand combat in some backyard sports never really bothered me.It's these wolves and hyenas I was raised with.They are my brother and his best pals during our time living in our house in Stone Mountain, Georgia.
Anyway,this picture is on my brother Scott's 16th birthday,1980, and he has his jaws wired shut.That's him in the "Red Cruce" shirt. His piece of birthday cake, like everything else he ate at the time, went into the blender.Oh,my god, the sound of a blender still takes me back to those days,when my mother had to pack a liquified lunch for Scott to take to school every day.I woke up every morning for many weeks to the sound of something being pureed in the blender, and after a while I didn't want to know what the something was anymore.Scott would feed himself by putting cheeseburgers and hotdogs in the blender.*gag*
From left to right are; Tony,who is still a dear friend and can fix my car (and it's done right) at his own successful repair shop to this day; David, who's hair is not on fire--he's wearing a hat and standing right in front of our cute little yellow kitchen chandelier-like light fixture; and Vince,of whom we lost track. I'm on the end,of course, holding my cat,Little Kitty.
Vince babysat me on occasion. Tony would bang on the bathroom door to scare me if I was taking a bath. David once dumped me on my head in the shallow end of the public swimming pool. I wanted to ride dirt bikes with them but I only had a girlybike.Scott willingly let me play with the guy toys growing up, so I got a good dose of G.I. Joe, Johnny West, and marvelous creations like the Strange Change Machine and all sorts of action figures from Planet of the Apes to Evel Knievel and the Scramble Van.
Among a group of women, I often tend to feel totally out of my element.A lot of times I simply can't relate to them.Put me with a group of guys and I feel much more comfortable.I owe thanks to/can blame this strange quirk on this bunch.
Bless 'em, every one.

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